mgn concept
•• What is best for our clients
•• What is the fastest route to reach our client’s goal
mgn is developing a business that receives requests from clients to create websites, support operations, and gives appropriate advice based on consultation.
Among the many website creation technologies in the world, mgn specializes in creating websites using WordPress.
With a large number of users throughout Japan and around the world, WordPress is a huge time-saver with a library of useful resources easily accessible. Once again, we want to fulfill our client’s goals in a relatively short amount of time.
On the other hand, website creation might not be the only immediate optimal solution to your goals.
If you already own a website, rather than spending money to renew the whole website, you may be able to achieve your goal by making the most of what you have and upgrading or polishing your website or plugins further.
For instance, enriching the pages of external portal services (Rakuten and jalan on travel, Hot Pepper and Tabelog on food services and more) may directly increase your customer sales.
Even putting your voices online directly on SNS could reach the audience you aimed for.
With a limited budget, thinking about what is the most effective strategies for our clients is our goal.
If you are on a limited budget, we will consult and designed the most effective service just for you and your needs. At mgn, it is important to listen to our customer’s voices, which we will together create and form a solution that will works best for our client’s request.
Whether you are thinking of creating or renewing your website, or simply curious about how to use WordPress to create your web service, don’t hesitate to contact us.
mgn strengths
Specialized in WordPress
By specializing in WordPress, we can accumulate knowledge about WordPress, developing our skills and increase the possibility to help you as a client. We know that there are certain request that is complicated or difficult to handle. Therefore, with our expertise in mgn team, we can help you reach that goal. In addition, since WordPress is popular worldwide, it is a huge advantage to be able to access a library full of useful resources and functions, even for clients as well.
Elite teams
mgn is a small team with about 10 employees and external partners. Within that number of members, mgn team can work closely together while the person in charge can observe everyone as a whole. This style prevents miscommunication and ensure absolute quality. Each member of mgn possesses strong individuality, specialize in different fields of the web and most of all friendly. Despite being a small team, each person is able to cover for one another and deal with the project as a whole.
Completion of projects within the company
Being a small company doesn’t mean we won’t be able to complete all the tasks required. Each member of mgn will be handling each field when it comes to website creation and web marketing. We accept individual request, as well as long-term request work. Our system makes it easy and convenient for customers to communicate and consult with us without any hassle.
Enhance education・Learning system
In order to maintain our skills as a team to meet the needs of our clients, mgn is committed to polishing ourselves as individuals and open up to any educational opportunities. In order to level up our member’s skills, all of our basic contents are made into lecture videos, which are then shared with all members. mgn also encourage each members to voluntarily participate in study sessions and web community events in order to polish their abilities and staying motivated. Moreover, members often shared the latest information and exchanging updates with the team.
Major business partners

Company Profile
Name | 株式会社mgn(エム・ジー・エヌ) mgn Co., Ltd |
Address | mgn Co., Ltd. Shinjuku Engineering Office 〒160-0023 4-23-9 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo ※Please send your mail here. |
Established | 5 October, 2015 |
Capital stock | 1,000,000円 |
Board member | Representative director and CEO Hajime Ogushi |
Business content | Planning, designing, producing, operating and managing websites and web content Production, development and sale of application software Web service planning and operation Production, development and sale of web-linked devices Writing and selling books Lecture on IT technology and its planning and management |
Business partner financial institution | Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation |
- Megane became a freelance web creator (May).
- [Book release] Released of「Professional WordPress Excellent Plugin Encyclopedia」writing participated by Megane, Takahashi and Ichinohe (March).
- Megane is in charge of the executive committee chairman of WordCamp Tokyo 2013 (Sep).
- [Book release] Megane published the book,「WordPress design method that is always used in the field」(Oct).
- [Book release] Released of「The easiest WordPress textbook How to make a full-scale website taught by a popular instructor」in which Megane took part in writing (Oct).
- [Event] Megane Fes in GMO – Think about the future of web production! WP-D FES #01 (Feb)
- [Event] Interviews in Member – Upgrade yourself by being in the mind of front lines professionals WP-D FES #02(May)
- [Book release] Released of「New Rule of Web Design 2 – a problem if you don’t own the latest common sense of the Web, taught by on-site professionals」writing participate by Megane and Ichinohe (July)
- [Book release] Megane took part in writing「The easiest WordPress textbook How to make a full-scale website taught by a popular instructor 2nd Ed. WordPress 4.x compatible」(Nov).
- [Event] Understand the latest situation of web production! Optimal update of the site! WP-D Fes #03 @GMO Yours(Feb)
- [Live-talk] Megane’s JAWS Days Lightning Talk @Belle Salle Shinjuku(March)
- [Book release] Released of「Interesting basic usage 33 that Git users understands」writing participated by Megane (May).
- [Book release] Released of「WEB design new standard technique taught by professionals in the field 37 (Aug).
- Established mgn Co., Ltd(10月)
- [Live-talk] CPI x CSS Nite x 優クリエイト「After Dark」Information exchange for web creators SP (Nov).
- [Book release] Released of「Create with HTML5+CSS3! Responsive Web Design」written by Megane, Saiki, Matsuo and Kiyono.
- [Event] WP-D Week(Git/CSS/Design/Web marketing/JavaScript/Direction Thinking- Weekly Study Group Event) @CASE Shinjuku (April)
- [Book release] Released of「Operation・Introduction to Amazon Effective Web Services 」by Megane(Aug)
- [Book release] Released of「WordPress design method that is always used in the field [updated version]」by Megane, Takahashi and Ichinohe(Sep)
- Launched A video web service that delivers the skills needed to work in the web industry.(Oct)
- [Book release] Released of「Introduction to Utilize Collaboration Tools for Effective App/ Web Development」writing participated by Megane, Saiki and Matsuo. (Oct)
- Git/GitHub Lecture @Co-working Space Kayabacho Co-Edo(Nov・Dec)
- 『Git and GitHub』Intensive Special Training -Learn how to use Git and collaborative production using GitHub in one day! @Co-working space Omiya 7F(Jan)
- Git/GitHub Lecture @Co-working space Kayabacho Co-Edo(Feb・March・Sep・Nov)
- [Book release] Released of「The easiest WordPress textbook 3rd Ed., How to make a full-scale website taught by a popular instructor」(Feb)
- [Live-talk] JAWS Days Lightning Talk Speaking by Megane(March)
- Git/GitHub Lecture @Kukuoka Yoka Lab(May)
- Creative Cloud Dojo #175 Git school for Monkeys by Adobe x Nulab(July)
- [Book release] Released of「You can also learn with Affliliate X Adsense! The first WordPress full-scale blog management method」writing participated by Megane, Fukushima, Kiyono and Kitajima.(July)
- [Live-talk] Talk of「WordPress site Construction Project Management -Why Projects Always Flutter in the End」by Megane @WordCamp Tokyo(Sep)
- [Live-talk] Talk of「Introduction to Git and collaborative production method using Git」CSS Nite Coder’s High 2017 by Megane @Bellesall Hanzomon(Nov)
- 『Git and GitHub』Learn how to use Git and how to collaborate using GitHub! @Osaka Digital Hollywood(Nov)
- Opening of Shimokitazawa Engineering Office (SEO)(Dec)

- [Live-talk] Talk on「Good Project Award」@BacklogWorld〜 Festival for everyone involved in project management〜 by Fukushima(Feb)
- [Live-talk] Talk on「How did the WordPress community grow in Japan?」by Megane @WordCamp Kathmandu(March)
- [Live-talk] Talk on「Contract projects that can be done from tomorrow・Introduction to accessibility of self-made themes 2018」by Megane @WordCamp Ogijima(July)
- [Sponsor] WordCamp Ogijima(July)
- Fukushima became the executive committee chairman of WordCamp Tokyo, and Akutsu became the deputy executive committee chairman.(Sep)
- [Live-talk] Talk on「Working style and mindset for long-term freelance web designers」by Matsuo @WordCamp Tokyo (Sep)
- [Book release]「Introduction to Git that can be understood by Monkeys」released by Megane, Fukushima, Saiki, Akutsu, Kiyono and Kanekiyo.(Sep)
- [Book release] Released of「Bible for solving copyright troubles! Book of rights for creators」writing participated by Megane and Saiki.
- Git/GitHub Lecture@Fukuoka Important(Oct)
- [Event] 1st mgn public in-house study session #a11y_mgn @Circulation Co., Ltd.(Dec)
- 『Introduction to Git that even Monkeys can understand』Intensive special traning course @Nulab Inc.(Dec)

- [Event] 「Various ways of working for people involved in the Web」megane Fes 2019 New Year @CASE Shinjuku(Jan)
- Megane and Saiki participated as speakers「Let’s know about creator’s rights!」WP ZoomUP #8(Jan)
- [Sponsor] Backlog World「Project Management x Work Style Reform」 @Akihabara UDX(Jan)
- [Live-talk] Talk on「Easy-to-understand Git usage course」by Megane @SaCSS Special21 : 10th Anniversary Extra Large Issue (April)
- [Sponsor] WordCamp Haneda 2019(April)
- [Live-talk] Talk on「Things I found because of close relationship with 『Snow Monkey』・Branding」by Akutsu @SaCSS Special22 : WordPress Special(May)
- Moved office from Shimokitazawa to Nishi-Shinjuku(July)
- [Event] Megane fes 2019 Early summer.(Aug)

- Opening of Konosu Office. (Sep)
- [Live-talk] Talk on「Techniques for coder evolution to enhance the project progress」by Megane @CSS Nite(Oct)
- [Sponsor] WordCamp Niigata 2020(Oct)
- [Live-talk] Talk on 「Let’s use WordPress with a peace of mind! Security understood using Quiz」@WordCamp Niigata 2019(Oct)
- Saiki is in charge of Deputy Executive Committee Chairman of WordCamp Tokyo 2020(Nov)
- [Live-talk] Talk on「Customize WordPress theme with the latest features of Dreamweaver」by Megane @Adobe MAX (Dec)
- [Event] With Megane Ogushi – Various ways people involved in the Web work, think and live.(Feb)
- [Live-talk] What is Megane’s WordPress? For those who are just starting ・starting from now @WP ZoomUP #36(March)
- [Live-talk] Talk on「Complete control on WordPress latest 5.3 that is compatible with block editor」by Saiki @Bau-ya(March)
- [Live-talk] Talk on「Technology for successful project management to work from home」@Backlog World 2020 “ONE” re:Union(April)
- [Live-talk] Let’s talk about the tips for working from home (remote work・at home)! by Takahashi @WP ZoomUP #39(April)
- [Live-talk] Megane WP ZoomUP 【Public direction 2nd】What do you do with the Web project direction?@WP ZoomUP #43(June)
- [Live-talk] Let’s talk about the Acts of Snow Monkey MeetUp My Snow Monkey plugins by Akutsu(July)
- [Live-talk] Megane WP ZoomUP【Public direction 2nd】WebWhat do you do with Web projects direction? @WP ZoomUP #45(July)
- [Live-talk] Talk on 「Anything on WordPress Questionnaires」by Saiki @WordCamp Ogijima(Sep)